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alarm            Sound an alarm
box              Draw a box on the screen
call             Call another script file
calld            Reload and call another script file
capture          Control the capture file
capture_stat     Get status of capture file
carrier          Check status of carrier detection
cgetc            Get character with immediate return
cgetct           Get character with timeout
chatmode         Enter chat mode
cinp_cnt         Get count of characters in input buffer
clear_scr        Clear the screen
copychrs         Copy characters from one string to another
copystr          Copy one string into another
cputc            Send a character to the comm port
cputs            Send a string to the comm port
cputs_tr         Send a string to the comm port with translation
cursor_onoff     Turn cursor on or off
curtime          Get current date and time
date             Extract month, day, and year from a time value
delay            Pause Telix
delay_scr        Pause script execution
delchrs          Remove characters from a string
dial             Dial a number
dos              Run COMMAND.COM to do a command
dosfunction      Call Telix's DOS functions menu
exittelix        Quit Telix
fclearerr        Clear file error flag
fclose           Close file
fdelete          Delete a file
feof             Find if at end-of-file
ferror           Check file error flag
fflush           Flush file buffer
fgetc            Get character from file
fgets            Read string from file
fileattr         Get file attributes
filefind         Search for matching file
filesize         Get size of file
filetime         Get modification time of file
flushbuf         Flush input buffer
fnstrip          Extract portion of filename from path
fopen            Open file
fputc            Write character to file
fputs            Write string to file
fread            Read characters from file
frename          Rename a file
fseek            Set position of file pointer
ftell            Get position of file pointer
fwrite           Write characters to file
get_baud         Get current baud rate
get_datab        Get current databits setting
get_parity       Get current parity setting
get_port         Get number of current comm port
get_stopb        Get current stop bits setting
getenv           Get value of environment string
gets             Get string from keyboard
getsxy           Get string from keyboard, printing at (x,y)
getx             Get current column of cursor
gety             Get current row of cursor
gotoxy           Move cursor to (x,y)
hangup           Hang up modem
helpscreen       Display help\status screen
inkey            Get character from keyboard (immediate return)
inkeyw           Get character from keyboard (with wait)
inschrs          Insert characters from one string into another
isalnum          Test if character is alphanumeric
isalpha          Test if character is alphabetic
isascii          Test if character is an ASCII value
iscntrl          Test if character is a control character
isdigit          Test if character is a digit
islower          Test for lower case
isupper          Test for upper case
is_loaded        Determine if another script is loaded
itos             Write digits of an integer to a string
keyget           Get macro text assigned to key
keyload          Load keyboard macro definition file
keysave          Save current macro key definitions to file
keyset           Assign macro text to a key
loadfon          Load dialing directory file
load_scr         Pre-load script file
newdir           Change drive and/or directory
printc           Print character to screen
printer          Toggle echo to printer
printn           Print number to screen
prints           Print string to screen and go to next line
printsc          Print string to screen and stay on same line
printsc_trm      Print string to screen with control characters
pstra            Print string to screen with color attribute
pstraxy          Print string to screen at (x,y) with color attribute
receive          Download a file
redial           Dial entries from the dialing directory
run              Execute COM or EXE file
scroll           Scroll or clear a region on the screen
send             Upload a file
send_brk         Send a BREAK signal
set_cparams      Set communications port parameters
set_defprot      Set default file transfer protocol
setchr           Put a character into a string
setchrs          Put a character into a range of a string
set_port         Select communications port
set_terminal     Set terminal emulation
show_directory   Display directory on screen or comm port
status_wind      Display a message in a pop up window
stoi             Convert a string of digits to an integer
strcat           Concatenate two strings
strchr           Search for a character within a string
strcmpi          Compare two strings
strlen           Get length of a string
strlower         Convert string to lower case
strmaxlen        Get maximum length of string
strpos           Search for string within another (case sensitive)
strposi          Search for string within another (case insensitive)
strupper         Change string to uppercase
subchr           Extract character from string
subchrs          Copy characters from one string to another
substr           Copy characters from one string to another until EOS
tday             Extract day of the month from a time value
thour            Extract hour from a time value
tmin             Extract minute from a time value
tmonth           Extract month from a time value
tsec             Extract seconds from a time value
tyear            Extract the year from a time value
terminal         Process characters in input buffer
time             Extract hours:minutes:seconds from a time value
timer_free       Free a timer
timer_restart    Restart a timer
timer_start      Start a timer
timer_total      Find how long a timer has been running
time_up          Find if a timer has timed out
tolower          Convert a string to lower case
tone             Make a sound
toupper          Convert a string to uppercase
track            Activate watching for a string in the input
track_addchr     Add a character to the tracking buffer
track_free       Deactivate watching for a string in the input
track_hit        Inquire if a tracked string has been received
transtab         Load or clear character translation table
unload_scr       Unload a script file from memory
update_term      Update video screen and status bar
usagelog         Manipulate the Telix usage log
usage_stat       Find the status of the usage log
ustamp           Make an entry into the usage log
vgetchr          Read character and attribute from the screen
vgetchrs         Read characters from screen
vgetchrsa        Read characters & attributes from screen
vputchr          Put character and attribute to the screen
vputchrs         Put characters and one attribute to the screen
vputchrsa        Put characters and attributes to the screen
vrstrarea        Restore previously saved screen area
vsavearea        Save an area of the screen
waitfor          Wait for a string to be received

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson